Government adopts Diet and Nutrition Program

The Government today adopted the 2014-2020 National Diet and Nutrition Program in a bid to curb the incidence of diet-related diseases, IPN reports.

The Program includes measures to encourage mothers to breastfeed their children until they are at least 6 months old, and increase the rate to at least 60%. In 80% of educational institutions and70% of hospitals it is planned to create a healthy diet-friendly environment.

Other objectives include reducing the intake of saturated fats by 3%, of sugar by 5% and of salt by 30%. It is expected that this will lead to a reduction in the national averages of systolic blood pressure by 2-3 mmHg, of cholesterol levels by 5%, and of blood glucose levels by 5%.

According to the Ministry of Health, one in three children suffers from iodine deficiency and one in five has anemia. The situation is alarming as regards adults, as well, with 40% of pregnant women being anemic and half of the adult population being overweight or obese.

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