Go-ahead for civil society's participation in strategic planning process

The Government approved the nominal composition of the National Council for Participation. It will consist of 30 persons representing the Moldovan business community, NGOs and independent analytical centers, Info-Prim Neo reports. Under the regulations, the National Council for Participation is a consultative body that does not have the status of legal entity. It will work under the Government of Moldova to ensure the civil society's and private sector's participation in the formulation, implementation and assessment of the policies promoted by the executive. The Council will take part in all the stages of the process of formulating development policies and of creating the institutional consultative framework at the level of central public authorities. The Council will make comments and proposals over the initiatives and policy documents of the Interministerial Committee for Strategic Planning, will inform the Committee about the involvement of the parties interested in the formulation, implementation and assessment of the public policies, will present yearly reports on how the institutional consultative framework works. The president of the Council will be named for a period of one year. Two institutions assessed the Government's policies earlier – the Economic Council under the Prime Minister and the Council for Participation in the Formulation, Monitoring and Assessment of the National Development Strategy. The analysis of the work of the two institutions revealed a number of similarities and doubling of functions. Therefore, it was decided to make these activities more efficient by creating the National Council for Participation.

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