Girl squashed by car leaving accident

According to the coordinating doctor of the Emergency Service of Chisinau, Anatol Proca, the crash happened by midnight near Dumbrava village. The girl was crossing the road when the speeding car hit her and left the accident. 4 people got injured after their Dacia collided with an Opel. The accident occurred on C. Stere street in Chisinau. A 9-year-old girl suffered concussions of soft tissues and excoriations of her left arm. A 17-year-old minor and a man aged 44 suffered brain concussions. A 37-year-old woman suffered similar injuries. A 47-year-old woman was rushed by the ambulance in a severe state after the Volkswagen she was in collided with a Dacia, taxi 1410, and a Mercedes with Cahul numberplates. The accident happened at the intersection of Vasile Alecsandri and Alexandru cel Bun streets. Another 51-year-old woman got her right clavicle broken. A drunken 50-year-old man called for the ambulance at 14.45 and told the doctors he hit an obstacles earlier, with his scooter. He had a broken rib and multiple facial excoriations.

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