Ghimpu after discussions with candidate for PM: It’s a pity we made a bad start

The leader of the Liberal Party Mihai Ghimpu regrets that the politicians made a bad start, initiating the process of investing the government without forming a ruling alliance first. He made such a statement after the December 23 meeting with Ion Strurza, who was nominated for premiership by President Nicole Timofti, IPN reports.

“This is the big problem. Not only the vote counts. This government must be supported by Parliament as we have a lot of reforms to do,” stated Ghimpu.

Asked if the Liberals support candidate Sturza or not, Ghimpu said a decision will be taken as a result of discussions inside the party.

Ion Sturza said he expected the discussion with the Liberals will be less polite, but it turned out to be rather polite. “This was a good signal. We decided to assess the situation. The Liberal Party will have an internal discussion and we decided to continue the dialogue. We have enough time until January 4,” he stated.

Earlier today, Ion Sturza had consultations with members of the European People’s Party who also haven’t taken a decision as to their vote of confidence. So far only the Liberal Democratic Party announced they will support the candidate for premiership.

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