Germany offers €6m grant to Moldova

The Governments of Germany and Moldova on December 28 signed an agreement based on which the Republic of Moldova will receive €6 million in technical assistance. The agreement was signed by Germany’s Ambassador in Chisinau Ulrike Knotz and First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Galbur, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, IPN reports.

The money is provided in the forms of a grant. The agreement specifies only the areas for which financing is allocated, not yet concrete projects. The areas include the modernization of local public services, counseling of the Premier in economic development and improvement of the quality and efficiency of medical assistance.

Ambassador Ulrike Knotz said that until now Germany has offered Moldova over €120 million within different projects. “If we consider all the financial resources, programs and projects funded with money from the federal budget, the sum will almost double. We want to improve the living conditions of the people of the Republic of Moldova and to assist the country in doing reforms associated with the rapprochement to the EU. The public services and sustainable development of Moldova’s economy are the key areas of our cooperation. In particular, it is about the improvement of social infrastructure, regional development and public administration reform, especially at regional and local levels,” stated the diplomat.

Ulrike Knotz transmitted a note to the Premier whereby Germany gives its consent to provide €10 million for extending the water supply project in southern Moldova. “The €10 million represents a grant and must not be paid back. It will reach the destination, namely the people, straightforwardly and without transaction costs,” said the ambassador.

The agreement was signed based on the intergovernmental development cooperation agreement of July 10, 2014.

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