General Police Inspectorate chief reacts to accusations about “Fulger” Brigade

“The detachment heads informed me that the moral-psychological climate at the subdivisions is good. At the same time, they expressed their concern about the appearance of anonymous information about the internal activity of the entity in the media and noted that this information does not represent their personal opinion as managers or the opinion of their inferiors,” Iurie Podarilov, the head of the General Police Inspectorate, stated in a press briefing after visiting the Brigade and taking to commanders and employees, IPN reports.

Iurie Podarilov said that meetings with employees of subdivisions were held within the Special Police Brigade “Fulger” so as to determine the problems signaled in a letter two days ago. The employees didn’t report major problems or pressure exerted on some of them. “As to the statements made by the Brigade’s suspended head for the media, I want to note that he has been investigated as part of an interval inquiry for a month for abuse of power, more exactly for violation of the procedures for organizing the internal activity of subdivisions and for arbitrary issuing of administrative documents. Until this new internal inquiry is completed, we cannot provide details so as not to hinder the investigation,” stated Iurie Podarilov.

The statements were made following the publication of an anonymous letter whose authors said that the Brigade faces an intentionally caused wave of pressure and destabilization that is aimed at bringing the institution under control. A number of internal inquiries were fabricated against the Brigade’s head Cazimir Trocin and other employees for the purpose of removing the commander from administration at any cost. They called on the representatives of the government, including the head of the Parliament’s national security commission, to visit to Brigade and have collective and private discussions with employee so as to form an opinion about the situation.

The Special Police Brigade “Fulger” of the Ministry of the Interior’s General Police Inspectorate has 369 employees who are engaged in the most difficult arrests and operations and who daily risk their lives to ensure the citizens’ safety.

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