Gazprom accuses Ukraine of blocking gas flow to Europe

Ukraine is blocking gas transit to Europe, said Gazprom Deputy CEO Alexandr Medvedev, mere hours after supplies were resumed Tuesday morning, Info-Prim Neo reports, citing international media. At the other end of the pipelines, the European Union has confirmed that gas levels remain low. “The information that we have from our monitors in Russia is that little or no gas is currently flowing,” said European Commission spokeswoman Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso had a telephone conversation with Russian Prime Minister to express “EU's disappointment” at the weak flow of Russian gas via Ukraine, as well as at the fact that the access of European monitors has been limited in both Russia and Ukraine. At the same time, Ukraine denies the allegation, saying Russia itself switched the transit route and there isn't enough pressure in the pipelines to pump gas.

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