Garbu thinks his recusal from CEC is wanted because he is considered a problem person

Central Election Commission (CEC) member Nicolae Garbu, whose status as a CEC member was challenged on Thursday by the Communists Party (PCRM), says that “the interests of certain institutions and persons” are behind the move, without giving any name, Info-Prim Neo reports. Garbu told reporters on Friday that his removal from CEC is sought because he is considered a problem person. “I see no reason why I should be removed from CEC, but now it's up to the fellow CEC members to decide”, he said. According to him, a similar recusal decision was adopted by CEC in 2006 by it eventually “got lost somewhere in Parliament” and the issue was buried. Garbu was accused by PCRM that at CEC's meeting on Tuesday he made some statements which put the Communists in a bad light. PCRM's representative in the Commission, Sergiu Sarbu, lodged complaints with the CEC and Parliament seeking to recuse Garbu. A final decision on the matter is to be taken by the Supreme Court of Justice, if it receives relevant instructions from Parliament or CEC. Garbu was confirmed as CEC member in November 2005 after being nominated by the parliamentary faction of the Moldova Noastra Alliance. The term of the current CEC members expires in 2010.

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