The winners of the fifth “Golden Horseshoe Trophy” contest will be awarded at the National Palace on December 3 and 4. Twenty-five singers will perform during the Folk Music Evening on December 3, while another 28 – during the Pop Music Evening on December 4, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a news conference on Tuesday, Nichifor Banzaru, the initiator of the Gala and director general of Noroc-Media, said that five Golden Horseshoe prizes will be offered this year. “The contest is aimed at supporting and promoting the artists and live performance,” he said. The singers were selected according to the following criteria: popularity with the listeners, creative work during a year, including launching of songs and albums, and presence in the Golden Horseshoe Top 10 charts of Radio Noroc. The organizers of the “Golden Horseshoe Trophy” Gala said that many famous singers are not among the participants in the contest this year as they refused to sing live, said Radio Noroc director Sergiu Raileanu. The organizers decided not to invite the singers who have been directly involved in the election campaign for the November 28 early legislative elections. Indiana, Geta Burlacu, Olia Tira, Nicu Tarna, Doina Arsene, Mihai Ciobanu, Igor Cuciuc, Valentina Cojocaru are among the singers who will perform at the Gala and fight for the Golden Horseshoe Trophy. The show organized by Lidia Panfil will last for three hours and will be broadcast live on Radio Noroc and Noroc TV. Romanian singer Pepe will give a recital as part of the Gala. The tickets to the concerts cost between 100 and 500 lei.
Gala of fifth “Golden Horseshoe Trophy” contest to take place
nichifor binzaru despre neadmiterea la artistilor care au fostinmplicati in campania electorala.mp3
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