Fuel prices continue to go up

The rises in fuel prices continue. Gasoline “95” on February 8 will be by 0.11 lei more expensive and will cost 23.43 lei a liter, while the price of diesel fuel will be by 0.13 lei more expensive and will be sold for 20.36 lei a liter. These are the price ceilings set by the National Agency for Energy Regulation, IPN reports.

The Agency noted that the level of oil prices continues to be powerfully influenced by the rise in quotations at international stock exchanges.

“During the last ten days alone, the Platts quotations for the main oil products grew by over 50 dollars/tonne and exceeded 890 dollars/tonne for gasoline and 825 dollars/tonne for diesel fuel. During the sessions of the previous week, the Brent quotations exceeded 93 dollars/tonne. This level was last recorded in October 2014,” the Agency noted in a press release.

The National Agency for Energy Regulation sets the highest selling prices for gasoline “95” and for diesel fuel. For comparison, at the start of September, a liter of gasoline “95” cost 20.23 lei, while a liter of diesel fuel –16.42 lei.

The price of liquefied petroleum gas also grew and is now 13.10 lei a liter.

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