French Alliance gallery houses exhibition by artist Vitalie Coroban

An exhibition by Moldovan plastic artist Vitalie Coroban was opened at the art gallery of the French Alliance in Moldova, Info-Prim Neo reports. “Vitalie Coroban has not had many personal exhibitions and this fact interested us because the gallery of the French Alliance is intended to be a launch pad for the not very well-known artists that often have talent and great abilities, but remain in the shadow and outside the cultural life either out of modesty or for other reasons,” said Adrian Cibotaru, deputy director of the French Alliance in Moldova. “I liked the motifs of the paintings and the wide variety of colors. We can say that it is a very colorful exhibition not only due to its colors, but also because of the emotions that it produces,” Adrian Cibotaru said. The protagonist Vitalie Coroban said that this is his third personal exhibition. “I prefer not collective but personal exhibitions that are more useful to me,” the painter said. The exhibit includes 22 works, one of which black-and-white, while the rest canvases. “I wanted to organize a new meeting of the visitors and the older works and a meeting with the new works,” Vitalie Coroban said. Ghenadie Jalba, president of the Union of Plastic Artists of Moldova, said that Vitalie Coroban is an established artist that displays his professionalism on canvas in an original manner. “I follow with interest the work of Vitalie Coroban, whom I know since we were students. I’m glad that he is a hardworking painter that develops continuously. His works are fresh, thoughtful and free,” said graphic artist Violeta Zabulica-Diordiev. Art critic Larisa Turea said that she has followed Vitalie Coroban’s activity and is pleased with the results he achieved. “I think that this exhibition is welcome now when we are not only in an economic, but also a moral crisis as this richness of colors brings optimism. This light and color scale that varies from pastel to more vivid colors gladdens me. This diversity is rather inspiring for all those that work in other areas of art.” The exhibition will be open for a month. It was organized on the initiative of the French Alliance and the Cultural and Cooperation Service of the Embassy of France in Moldova.
  • larisa turea despre expozitie.mp3
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