“The freedom of the press in Moldova is in danger as it is systematically, methodically and abusively restricted by the authorities,” says the study “Memorandum on Freedom of the Press in Moldova” carried out by Moldovan media nongovernmental organizations between May 3, 2008 and May 3, 2009, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The study was presented at a news conference dedicated to the Press Freedom Days on May 4.
According to the authors of the study, the situation of the press has worsened gradually, becoming very bad in the election campaign for the 2009 parliamentary elections and in the post-electoral period. The study contains cases of abuses against journalists, examples of concentration and monopolization of the mass media and discrimination of the independent press.
Nadine Gogu, acting director of the Independent Journalism Center, said that the program dedicated to the Press Freedom Day includes a number of activities aimed at informing the people about the right to freedom of expression and the rights of the mass media in Moldova, roundtable meetings, news conferences, publication of a series of journalistic investigations, etc. Also, the media nongovernmental organizations will picket the Government building from Tuesday, starting at 11.00.
“We will picket the Government with the aim of drawing the Moldovan authorities’ attention to the serious situation of the press freedom and remind that the role of the mass media is to inform not manipulate the people and serve the interests of the power,” Nadine Gogu said.
Petru Macovei, the executive director of the Independent Press Association (API), considers that the non-observance of the laws in Moldova became a rule, not an exception. “The fact that the yearly Freedom of the Press index compiled by the U.S. organization Freedom House ranks Moldova the 150th with a not free press is a consequence of the antidemocratic attitude of the Moldovan authorities,” the Association’s executive director said. He announced that the API will organize roundtable meetings themed “Journalistic Self-Regulation: international experiences and Moldovan realities” in Balti, Cahul, Orhei and Chisinau.
“At the start of June, APEL will hold public debates on the behavior of the mass media during the election campaign,” said Alexandru Dorogan, president of the Electronic Press Association (APEL). “The mass media in Moldova did not pass the election test, which is very important. If the press had been free, we wouldn’t have witnessed the events that happened after April 5.”.
The Press Freedom Days in Moldova are organized by the Independent Journalism Center, the Independent Press Association, “Acces-Info” Center, the Journalistic Investigations Center, the Electronic Press Association, the Journalists’ Union of Moldova and the Committee for the Freedom of the Press. The partners and sponsors include the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (MATRA Program), Eurasia Foundation and Soros-Moldova Foundation.