Four persons arrested for trafficking in drugs

Four persons were arrested on suspicion that they smuggled drugs. According to the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases, the four formed part of a transnational criminal group, IPN reports.

As a result of investigative measures, it was established that at the instruction of the group’s leader, an organizer and a courier went to Spain where they bought 30 kg of hashish. The police found the drugs when searching the vehicle by which these were taken to Moldova. The merchandize was estimated at about 3 million lei.

The Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases and the National Investigations Inspectorate, in concert with Russian agencies, documented one more case of trafficking in drugs involving the same group. As a result, there were arrested a number of persons and seized 40 kg of hashish valued at about 4 million lei.

The suspects face up to 15 years in jail for putting drugs into circulation and up to 10 years behind bars for trafficking in drugs.

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