The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) will perform the function of inviting and accrediting the foreign observers (electoral experts) at the elections. Till now, these tasks were carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.
The respective function was transmitted to CEC as a result of the modifications of the electoral Code, operated by the Parliament in summer this year. CEC approved on Tuesday 24 October the regulations regarding the status of the observers and the procedure of their accreditation.
The Regulations stipulate the procedures of accrediting the national and international observers and namely through the agency of the interested persons, the governments of the foreign states and international organizations. There are established the rights and the obligations of the observers, the guarantee of fulfilling the obligations and the responsibility for facts that run counter to the national legislation and international in the electoral domain.
In compliance with the Regulations approved by the Commission, the representatives of the organizations in the field, of defense of human rights etc. can participate as observers or electoral experts.
The observers may submit the request for accreditation 5 days before the day of the elections, and CEC is obliged to offer the response within maximum 5 days, and not later than one day before the day of the polls.