Foreign Ministry verifies identity of man who exploded himself in Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration is making effort to determine the identity of the man who blew himself up at the Russian-Ukrainian border after he was found hiding inside a car with four Moldovan occupants, the head of the Ministry’s press service Ana Taban has told IPN.

Ana Taban confirmed that the incident occurred on the border between Ukraine and Russia, on the Ukrainian segment. It is not yet known if the four Moldovans who were in the car with that man were allowed to go or were stopped.

The incident happened at about 01.00, at the Bacevsk border crossing point in Sumi region, in northeastern Ukraine. The police, the special services and the border police are investigating the case. The border crossing point was closed. The man exploded himself with an unidentified device when he was being questioned after presenting a Russian identity card that didn’t belong to him. Two Ukrainian border police officers were seriously injured.

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