Footage released showing apparent beating of ambulance patient by security guards

The Râșcani Police opened an investigation after surveillance camera footage was released on social media showing two security guards of a private firm apparently beating a patient inside an ambulance near the Saint Trinity Hospital in Chisinau, as the ambulance staff looked on.
The Hospital said in a press release the patient in question was a heavily drunk and physically aggressive man, who attempted to hit the doctor that approached to consult him when the ambulance brought the patient to the Hospital. The doctors then called the security firm which services the Hospital, and the arrival of security guards made it possible to evaluate the patient and redirect him to another medical establishment.
The Hospital said it requested explanations from the security firm and reported the incident to the police. It’s not clear if this was done before or after the footage was released.
Moreover, Chisinau Police spokesperson Natalia Stati told IPN that nothing was reported, and the Râșcani Police reacted by itself to the released footage. 

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