Five persons drown in Raut while trying to rescue each other

Two men and three children drowned in the Raut River near Vadul-Leca village of Telenesti district after two of the children tried to skate on ice. Emergencies Service spokeswoman Dorina Cruc has told Info-Prim Neo that the tragedy happened on Monday at about 17.30. Two brothers aged 7 and 12 fell under the ice. A friend rushed to help them, but also fell into the water. The elder brother of the two children aged 19 tried to rescue them, but also drowned. The last victim was the 42-year-old father of the three boys who desperately attempted to save them. Another man who came to help was taken to the hospital with hypothermia. An Emergencies Service team had looked for the bodies all night and recovered them by morning.

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