First death associated with pandemic flu reported in Moldova

The Ministry of Health has announced the first case of death associated with the pandemic (H1N1) flu this morning. A 50-year-old man died in the reanimatology section of the Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1 on October 23 in the evening. He was hospitalized three days earlier with pulmonary and cardiac insufficiency and bilateral bronchopneumonia. The doctors suspected that he got the (H1N1) viral infection, Info-Prim Neo reports. It is known that the man returned from Poland on October 10. He was admitted to the Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1 on October 20 through the agency of the Chisinau Emergency Medical Assistance Station. The Ministry of Health set up a commission that will take anti-epidemic and prevention measures. The commission is headed by Deputy Minister of Health Oleg Lozan. The persons who have been in contact with the victim are under medical supervision. As many as 116 suspect cases of pandemic flu have been reported in Moldova so far. The virus was detected in 16 of the cases. The sixteenth victim has died.

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