The authorities assure that the supply of firewood will be satisfied, while the shortage witnessed now at some of the forest products companies is due to the exhaustion of supplies. Contacted by IPN, director general of the Forestry Agency “Moldsilva” Ion Cebanu said the cutting of wood in the fourth quarter is to start and the needs of firewood will be met.
Ion Cebanu stated there are forest products companies in Chisinau and Edinet that have yet firewood, but most of the similar companies used up the supplies. The same happened the previous years, before the start of the cold season. “The cutting works are performed in an organized way – each forest products company draws up plans that are later checked by the Agency and then by the Ecological Inspectorate. The cutting begins on October 1,” he stated.
The director of “Moldsilva” said a stere meter of firewood costs between 450 and 550 lei. The people are asked to purchase firewood directly from forest products companies so as to avoid paying the extra price charged by wood traders who have nothing to do with the Agency. Ion Cebanu called on the buyers to ask for a sales slip or an invoice from forest products companies.
Asked if there are concessions on the purchase of firewood for people from socially disadvantaged categories, Ion Cebanu said each company, depending on its economic possibilities, can decide to provide particular concessions through the administration board.
It is estimated that 173,600 stere meters of firewood will be cut in the fourth quarter. The annual volume of cut wood is three-four times larger.