A fire broke out on Monday evening in an annexe belonging to the “Sfanta Treime” Hospital in Chisinau. The fire endangered the life of 550 patients, of visitors and medical staff of the hospital. According to the firemen, the fire’s consequences could have been disastrous if it reached the 20 oxygen cylinders, which were stored in the building, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to the firemen and rescuers service, the fire broke out around 7.00 pm. Shortly, two teams of firemen arrived at the scene.
Asked by Info-Prim Neo, the head of municipal health Division, Iurie Bacinschi, said that the fire was not of proportion, destroying only some domestic appliances, but damaged the slate roof. According to the cited source, the extensive damage could have been avoided due to the prompt intervention of firemen.
As the firemen and rescuers service report, another fire occurred on Monday in the room designed for collecting household waste from the house nr.2 located on Alba Iulia street. The thick smoke penetrated the refuse chute and spread up to the higher floors, blocking people in apartments. The evacuation of smoke was made possible only by opening all the windows and the hatch of the roof by force. After the smoke had lifted, people could be evacuated from the dwellings.
During the last 24 hours, 15 fires, including 5 in the capital, were reported in the country.