Fiodor Ghelici: Court annulled decision not to register me as a candidate in elections

Fiodor Ghelici, the president of the public association “Moldova mea”, said the decision by which his application to  register him as a candidate in the parliamentary elections was rejected was annulled by the ordinary court. The activist noted the decision can be appealed by the Central Election Commission to higher courts.

In a news conference at IPN, Fiodor Ghelici said the initiative to run in the uninominal constituency Ciocana of Chisinau municipality didn’t belong to him, but he accepted the request of a group of people to run. This way, at the start of January, he registered his initiative group at the electoral office of the uninominal constituency Ciocana and, during three weeks, collected slightly over 500 signatures. But almost 90 signatures were declared null and his application was rejected.

“Yesterday, at 11:50am, the court, after almost an hour of deliberations, decided to quash the decision of the Central Election Commission. I tell you sincerely I was shocked. I simply didn’t believe that the judge with the family name Dodon would annul the CEC decision not to register me as a candidate,” stated Fiodor Ghelici, noting he will go till the end.

The activist also said that yesterday he was informed by reliable persons that enormous pressure is exerted by the President’s staff on the Central Election Commission. “These are persons who furnish me with accurate information,” he said.

As to the mixed electoral system, Fiodor Ghelici said the initial idea was for the parties to run in the national constituency only so that civic activists, ordinary people from regions who weren’t put on party lists could compete in uninominal constituencies. Now that the parties have candidates in uninominal constituencies, apolitical persons’ chances of entering Parliament are equal to zero.

Fiodor Ghelici called on the voters to think well before the parliamentary elections and realize that the decision they will take in the polling both will influence their life during the next four years.

  • fiodor ghelici depre decizia instantei.mp3
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