Fines sent by mail to drivers who violate traffic rules and do not show up for the drafting of the report

Drivers who violate traffic rules receive notifications through registered letters regarding violations captured by traffic cameras. If they do not show up within 60 days to have the report drafted, the fine is set ex officio. Subsequently, the report is also sent by registered mail, and if the fine is not paid within 30 days, the case is sent to the bailiff, IPN reports.

The National Public Security Inspectorate mentions that road safety is a priority and that policies must be implemented to reduce traffic violations.

"Traffic monitoring cameras only capture violations that cause accidents or serious consequences. These include speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, using a phone, etc.," said Igor Postu, Head of the Traffic Monitoring and Documentation Department at INSP, to IPN.

According to Igor Postu, after receiving the notice about the traffic violation captured by the video cameras, the car owner is required to present themselves within 60 days to the competent authority. "If they do not fulfill their obligations, after the expiration of the 60 working days, a report is drawn up, and in their absence, a fine is applied. This is sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt," explained the Head of the Traffic Monitoring Department.

Upon receiving the report, the driver has 30 days to pay the fine. Half of the fine can be paid within three working days from the date the report letter is received. However, if the fine is not paid, after the 30 days expire, the report is sent to the bailiff.

Throughout last year, traffic monitoring cameras nationwide recorded almost 487,000 traffic violations. As a result, over 191,000 reports were drafted, with a documentation rate of about 40%. The total amount of fines imposed exceeded 129 million lei, of which nearly 44 million lei were paid.

The automated road traffic monitoring system currently consists of 73 posts, 48 of which are located in Chisinau.

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