Financing from national fund for regional development for 19 projects

The National Council for Regional Coordination and Development approved 19 infrastructure projects that will get financing to the value of 149 million lei from the national fund for regional development, IPN reports.

“Given that we are already close to yearend and face absorption-related problems, we laid emphasis on the support for projects that were earlier supported and are being implemented,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Octavian Calmac, who heads the National Council for Regional Coordination and Development.

A sum of 54 million lei will be allocated for the North area, 34.3 million lei for the Center area, almost 46 million lei for the South area and 5 million lei for the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia.

Over 16 million lei is intended for the rehabilitation of Ion Spirit St in Cahul town, which is a road of regional importance. About 16 million lei will be allocated for building the center “PRO Career” in Otaci. Approximately 15 million lei will go to repair the Taraclia - Ceadar-Lunga road, while 10 million lei to construct a water treatment station in Telenesti. Most of the approved projects are under implementation already.

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