Financing for justice reform support program to be negotiated with EU

The Government decided to initiate talks on the financing by the European Union of the justice sector reform support program. The financial support is expected to total €60 million, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to Justice Minister Oleg Efrim, €50.2 million will be transferred directly to the budget during 2013-2016 for financing the measures defined in the justice sector reform strategy. €1.8 million will represent the technical assistance provided to the Justice Ministry and other institutions. The money will be mainly used to train judges and other specialists. Another €8 million will be distributed according to the ‘more for more’ principle, depending on the progress made in implementing the planned reforms. The objective of the justice sector reform strategy is to create an equitable justice system with zero tolerance of corruption, which would ensure the sustainable development of the country and increased responsibility towards the people seeking justice. There will be supported the activities aimed at reforming the judiciary, the pre-trial investigation process, juvenile justice, and the additional measures to strengthen human rights protection.

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