Financing agreement for ENPARD Moldova program signed

Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici and Director of the DG for Enlargement of the European Commission Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler signed the financing agreement between the Government of Moldova and the European Commission for implementing the European Neighbourhood Program for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD) Moldova – Support to Agriculture and Rural Development, IPN reports.

The total value of the ENPARD Moldova is €64 million, €53 million of which will be provided in direct budget support within three tranches, until 2018, to support the Government’s efforts to implement the agriculture and rural development policies. “The access to the ENPARD Program means money for increasing investments in modernizing the agricultural sector and developing the education systems in villages, larger sales for farmers on the home and foreign markets,” said Chiril Gaburici.

Gerhard Schumann-Hitzler reiterated the EU’s commitment to support the development projects in Moldova, including in agriculture and rural areas. The development of agriculture and rural areas is a key objective in the cooperation between the EU and Moldova in 2014-2017.

ENPARD was launched in March 2011 as an EU instrument of support for the Eastern Partnership member states.


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