Financial pyramid “MMM” under investigation

The financial-economic investigations division of the Prosecutor General’s Office started a legal case against the organizers of the financial pyramid “MMM” over illegal entrepreneurial activity and swindle attempt following media reports and an application filed by the deputy governor of the National Bank Emma Tabrata, Info-Prim Neo has learned from the Office. The prosecutors established that a website was created on the Internet, which represents a financial pyramid organized by private individuals, where the depositors obtain incomes. The depositor was to transfer money to the manager of the primary group in exchange for the virtual currency MAVRO dollar, according to the exchange rate set by the Russian citizen Sergey Mavrodi. The organizers said the exchange rate increased constantly. The persons were also offered other possibilities of earning money, like the depositing of amounts for certain periods of time. Under the Law on Financial Institutions, no person can perform financial activities, including accepting deposits or their equivalent, without a license issued by the National Bank. Questioned by the prosecutor, the manager of ten groups of members of the pyramid “MMM2011” in Moldova said that the system included more than 1 000 depositors who transferred different sums of money to the primary group leaders. He also said that the depositors were informed that the given system is a financial pyramid and its mechanism provides advantageous conditions for the depositors and methods of attracting other participants. The legal case was sent to the Chisinau Prosecutor’s Office for organizing the prosecution according to the competence.

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