Final outcome of local elections will be made public within 48 hours

The preliminary results of the June 14 local general elections can be seen on the website of the Central Election Commission (CEC), while the final results will be made public when the data from the information system are compared with those from the proceedings that will be submitted to the Commission on paper. CEC president Iurie Ciocan told a news conference that the legislation provides that all the proceedings must be examined within 48 hours, IPN reports.

The preliminary election results are available at and, in the Preliminary Results division.

Today the CEC will present information about the settlements where a second round of voting will be held on July 28.

It is already known that the second round of voting will be held in Chisinau and in Comrat. In the municipality of Balti, the mayoral elections were preliminarily won by Renato Usatyi, with over 70% of the poll, while in Orhei, Ilan Shor was elected mayor with over 60% of the vote.

The final results will be transmitted to courts for validation.

In Ulmu village of Orhei district, the elections will be rerun in two weeks because the minimum voter turnout of 25% wasn’t reached there on June 14. In Topala village of Cimislia district, where a polling place was devastated, the local electoral bodies will request the court to annul the election results and to order holding new elections.

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