PDM acting president Pavel Filip says the party is in need of a “reformatting” in order to adapt to its status of no longer being in government.
During a talk-show on Prime TV, Filip said a party in opposition has “absolutely different” responsibilities and agenda. “From this point of view, we obviously need to revisit our guidelines.”
According to Filip, Sunday’s meeting of the PDM National Council saw “heated debates” for two hours. “With the need to reform in mind, we should admit that PDM was a party with an aggressive agenda and perhaps with good reason, being the ruling party and such. Maybe we wouldn’t have achieved as much otherwise.”
But now, says Filip, the party has decided to shift from “aggressiveness” to seeking partnerships on particular subjects “in the interest of Moldovans.” This would also involve partnerships within the European political group which PDM is affiliated with.
“What I saw at the National Council meeting was a strong, determined team that spoke about our achievements and about how we shouldn’t be ashamed of being able to achieve so much in a period of crisis for Moldova,” stated Pavel Filip.
In July, PDM will hold its national assembly to elect a new leadership and plan for the local elections this fall.