The performance of the Filat Government, which today marks three years from appointment, deserves a solid 7. The evaluation was done by political analyst Viorel Cibotaru, who told Info-Prim Neo that in these three years the Government, on the one hand, advanced in solving certain problems, but on the other hand lack political will in other essential issues. The analyst says that the Government should continue its program and undertake efficient actions, this being the only way towards achieving results that can be felt by the citizens.
Viorel Ciubotaru said that the European Integration Alliance’s rise to power, three years ago, was a natural occurrence, not a historical accident. In his opinion, the appointment of a government that had almost no links to previous governments gave birth to another sort of expectations, ones that were related to a direct reformation course, to a transfiguration of the Republic of Moldova.
“Obviously, many of the expectations were not met. First, the expectations regarding the rapid change of things. The expectations that, once the new power is appointed, life will change immediately. First, those who expected immediate results were disappointed, without taking into account that things are very complex, that there is much to be done, that benefits don’t go hand in hand with the reforms, but come along the process”, noted Viorel Ciubotaru.
In the analyst’s opinion, the citizens’ life changed a lot, almost radically, during the last three years. The analyst made reference to freedom of speech, competition, the emergence of several power points and of another level of quality in cooperation with other countries. He considers that, intention-wise, the reformation course is correct.
“However, the change of these circumstances would’ve been hard to obtain, if there’s wasn't a certain continuity of power, which has its pros and cons. The fact that certain politicians came right from the midst of the previous power group, and are today a powerful and indispensable plaster for the current government, thus facilitating, on the one hand, the new course of things, but brought along, on the other hand, vices like corruption and other fundamental problems that hinder the implementation of correctly initiated reforms”, mentioned the analyst.
Viorel Ciubotaru added that the Government must continue its proposed agenda, and manifest more political will in essential issues such as the restructuring of the economy, eradication of monopolies, the efficient extermination of corruption, and others.
On September 25, 2009, the current coalition Government was appointed through the vote of the Parliament’s democratic majority. The Filat Government is has 16 Ministers, 7 representing the Liberal-Democratic Party, 5 the Democratic Party, and 4 the Liberal Party.