Farmers will not receive subsidies this year?

Alexandru Slusari, chairman of the National Union of Agricultural Producers’ Associations “UniAgroProtect”, said that this year the farmers will not get subsidies from the state. According to him, the authorities were to allocate 380 million lei for paying subsidies, but, owing to the budget deficit, the money will not reach the farmers, IPN reports.

“I didn’t believe in the prospect that the subsidies will not be paid. It never happened for the announced amount not to be allocated. But, as a result of unofficial discussions, I understood that such a prospect is possible in 2015 and the farmers will get no money. Subsidies of 380 million lei were to be paid. There were submitted applications for subsidies to the value of over 500 million lei. The deficit was to be transfected for next year. But no money will be allocated for subsidies,” Alexandru Slusari said in the program “Dialog” on Agro TV Moldova channel.

He noted that the National Bank of Moldova gained 1 billion lei as a result of the fluctuations in the exchange rates and a part of this money could be given to farmers. Given the current situation, the farmers should take to the streets and protest because 4,500 agricultural producers are waiting for subsidies to pay interest on loans, taxes, etc.

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