Farmers determined to take to the streets

Farmers are determined to protest once again. According to the Farmers' Force Association, none of the urgent intervention measures proposed by farmers to the Government have been implemented. With no solution from the state to unblock the situation, farmers reserve the right to protest, IPN reports.

"In principle, the refund of the diesel excise tax for 2024 is not accepted, and the extension of the VAT refund program accumulated by farmers - which the state is legally obligated to return - is being questioned," the association states.

The organization also highlights that the measures promised by authorities, set to take effect only in July, are too delayed to address the current critical situation.

The association warns that in the new agricultural season (2024-2025), many farmers have started without financial means and resources to continue operations, as they have been denied credit by financial institutions or input suppliers.

The new agricultural year is at risk of being compromised, not only due to natural disasters but also because of the state's lack of effective intervention in the grain and oilseed sector, the association further states.

When asked for a response, Daniela Braga, head of the Information and Communication Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, said that the institution will analyze the association's statement and will provide a comment within its competencies.

The Ministry of Finance has not yet commented on the situation.

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