Fare dodgers on trolleybuses paid fines of about 10,000 lei

The persons who were caught traveling by Chisinau trolleybuses without tickets paid fines of about 10,000 lei since the start of this year, the director of the Chisinau Trolleybus Company Gheorghe Morgoci told Info-Prim Neo. According to Morgoci, employees of the company were also fined. The conductor who gave the passengers xeroxed tickets was fired and fined 3,000 lei. An inspector was fined 1,500 lei for issuing a penalty ticket taken out of use. The Urban Bus Company increased the number of inspectors on routes from 5 to 10. Marcel Lupanciuc, the company's deputy director for operation, said that 71 fines have been imposed on fare dodgers from the start of this year. The fine for passengers traveling without ticket or season ticket by public units of transport is 50 lei if it is paid immediately, 75 lei if it is paid within 72 hours and 200 lei if it is imposed by court decision. The fine for students is 10 lei. Until the new regulations on the penalization of fare dodgers took effect on January 1, the fine was 6 lei.

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