Expulsion of immigrants from Greece won’t affect Moldovans

So far, the expulsion of immigrants from Greece, as part of the “get rid of foreign migrants” campaign started by the new Greek government, doesn’t affect the Moldovans settled there. An informative note sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MAEIE) from Chisinau to Info-Prim Neo agency reads that so far there is no information about Moldovan citizens being expulsed, no proceedings by the police and no complaints from citizens. According to MAEIE’s latest statistics, the number of Moldovan emigrants settled in Greece is estimated at 12,000 people. According to Agency France-Presse, Greek authorities have initiated an unprecedented campaign of expulsion of illegal immigrants. In only one day, about 5000 foreigners were taken into custody in the Greek capital and 1200 have already been expulsed. The authorities of the Hellenic Republic promise that from now on all illegal immigrants would be expulsed forcedly from the country. One of the reasons is that Greece has been the subject of constant criticism from other EU countries for not being able to control its borders. According to some unofficial claims, the Moldovans are not affected by the Greeks’ actions because they share the Christian Orthodox faith and Greece is a country that cares a lot about religious faith, which is included in the people’s passports.

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