‘Expresul de Ungheni’ in Internet version

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the appearance, the periodical “Expresul de Ungheni” launched its website www.expresul.com. Director of ‘Expresul de Ungheni’ Lucia Bacalu has told Info-Prim Neo that the website is mainly designed for the Moldovans that are abroad, who asked for an Internet version of the paper so that they could read it from any corner of the world. Lucia Bacalu said that the editorship of the newspaper has already received several congratulation messages from Italy. It is anticipated that the Moldovans from Italy, Canada and Romania will form the bulk of the readers as most of the Ungheni residents that went abroad study or work in these countries. The website reports on the latest events taking place in Ungheni town. The newspaper’s editorial staff aims to provide objective, impartial and fast information to the readers.

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