Experts about election lists of parliamentary parties

The election lists of the parliamentary parties contain no surprises despite the made changes. According to experts, the top three places are occupied by parties’ leaders, as the previous years.

In the program “Politics” on TV7 channel, IMAS director Doru Petrutsi said the fact that the Communist Party moved closer to the center is the main modification referring to the main players in the current election campaign. “Voronin understood that changes are needed and that he must move towards the center and moderate his speech. Now the PCRM can count only on Voronin and hope for a left-wing coalition or a coalition between the PCRM and a party from the center,” stated the sociologist, quoted by IPN.

As to the list of the Liberal-Democrats, Doru Petrutsi said it was influenced chiefly by Prime Minister Iurie Leanca. “It’s clear that Iurie Leanca imposed a part of his viewpoint as many persons do not appear on the list,” he stated.

As to the Democratic Party, the socialist said the list of this party is based on the participation of ministers. He believes that if Lupu and Plahotniuc hadn’t been on the list, at least not on the top positions, the PDM would have gained. “It would have been a signal on a number of dimensions and this would have mobilized the voters and they would have been stimulated,” stated the IMAS director.

Executive director of the Public Policy Institute Arcadie Barbarosie forecast that the Communist Party would poll fewer votes than in the 2010 elections. “It was expected that the list of the PCRM will not include the rebels. Even if Vladimir Voronin is an incontestable leader and he tops the list, this is not enough and the party’s score will diminish significantly. The supporters of this party who are now undecided will emigrate to the party of Renato Usatyi. It’s not excluded there will be other surprises,” he stated.

Director of the European Institute for Political Studies Viorel Cibotaru does not rule out that the lists will be yet changed and there will appear new political figures.

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