Expert-Grup: Success of association with EU depends on pressure exerted on political class

The ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU represents a historical step for Moldova and an opportunity for ensuring its development. However, the success of the association, materialized in higher living standards, depends directly on the involvement of society and the pressure exerted on the political class to implement the assumed reforms, considers the Independent Analytical Center “Expert-Grup”, IPN reports.

In its monthly publication “Economic Realities”, the Center says the Agreement provides the framework needed for authentically reforming the country and the EU commits itself to firmly support the process of modernizing and democratizing the country. At economic level, the necessary preconditions will be created for facilitating the movement of goods, services, capital and labor force, which will stimulate growth.

Nevertheless, the Agreement generates a serious challenge – the postponement or only formal promotion of reforms can keep the country in an underdeveloped area. The shortage of institutional and financial resources can prevent the implementation of reforms. The noxious reaction of Russia, which already introduced barriers in the trade with Moldova, creates an additional constraint. The pressure on the political class to do the necessary reforms should be thus increased.

As to Russia’s decision to stop the import of canned and fresh fruit from Moldova, “Expert-Grup” said this decision is based on political reasons. Russia punishes Moldova for the signing and ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU. Therefore, Moldova should take measures to reduce the effect of Russia’s bans.

The identification of new export markets, provision of financial assistance to exporters that sustain losses and taking of prohibitive measures are the solutions that can be implemented in this situation. The EU’s decision to raise the import quotas on Moldovan fruit and grapes and to implement the DCFTA from August 1 is welcome in this respect.

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