Experience exchange between Foreign Affairs Ministries of Moldova and Romania

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova and Romania exchange experience in institutional and human resources management, consular services and public communication. The Romanian delegation is hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova during October 4-6, IPN reports.

During three days, the Romania officials have had discussions with counterparts from Chisinau on a series of key subjects for the activity of the diplomatic institutions, primarily related to institutional and human resources management, digitization of consular services, strategic communication and public diplomacy and assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of the Ministry.

“It is a concrete result of the agreements reached by Ministers of Foreign Affairs Nicu Popescu and Bogdan Aurescu during the recent visit paid to Bucharest. Given the complex structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and the professional experience of the Romanian diplomats, it was supported the idea of transposing good practices at MFAEI,” said secretary general Eugeniu Revenco, being quoted in a press release of the Ministry. The official underscored the Ministry’s intention to ensure the internal processes’ compliance with the European system of information security management and to improve institutional procedures.

A similar round of consultations was held in 2019, being hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania.

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