Exclusion of paper health policy adopted by MPs in first reading

The medically insured persons could benefit from medical services or compensated medicines without needing to have or present the mandatory paper health policy. This is provided in a bill that was adopted by Parliament in the first reading on July 20. The bill substitutes the phrase “mandatory health insurance policy” with “status of medically insured person”, IPN reports.

The document says the status of medically insured person will be suspended if the labor relations are stopped, if the medically insured person is struck off the list of unemployed persons insured by the Government, if the person is drafted into the army or dies and if the salary earner didn’t pay the insurance premium in percentage contribution from the salary during over a year consecutively.

The new provisions stipulate the registration of private individuals in the mandatory health insurance system is within the remit of the National Health Insurance Company. Each person will be assigned an insurance number. The status of private individuals in the mandatory health insurance system will be confirmed by the electronic interrogation of the Company’s information system, using the state identification number or the mandatory health insurance number.

The bill institutes electronic reporting of nominal registration lists for employers. This way, the status of medically insured or non-insured person will be confirmed by the electronic system and the person will not need to go to the local office of the National Health Insurance Company.


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