Ex-minister Jizdan suspected of filing fraudulent returns and of unjust enrichment

Former minister of the interior Alexandru Jizdan was questioned by prosecutors today. He is suspected of filing fraudulent tax returns and of unjust enrichment, IPN reports.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases, searches featuring the suspect were carried out at five addresses in the municipality of Chisinau and elsewhere. The prosecutors found and seized a series of relevant documents and memory cards. These were examined in the presence of the suspect and his lawyer. The investigations go on.

Today, Alexandru Jizdan came with a reaction in social media. He said he will remain cooperative and will furnish those who handle this case all the necessary information and evidence for the circumstances to be elucidated and for him to prove his innocence. He noted he is not involved in the Division 5 case and wasn’t involved in the actions that served as a reason for starting this criminal case.

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