Ex-minister: Current political class destroyed this country and should leave

The current political class destroyed the country and no longer has the moral right to govern, ex-minister of economy Alexandru Muravschi, who was Deputy Prime Minister in the Sturza Cabinet, said in the program “Interpol” on TV7 channel, IPN reports.

“The current political class should have common sense and leave voluntarily. They destroyed what remained. We should not be afraid of early elections because the situation cannot be worse than now. They made big mistakes and must admit this. The only solution is to replace this political class,” stated Muravschi.

According to him, the Republic of Moldova achieved poor results in doing reforms because inexpert persons are promoted to key posts. “It’s known that the humans learn throughout life and that experience is gained in time. But naming unprofessional persons as ministers is not correct. It’s not right for a person to start to learn after becoming a minister. That’s why the country does not make progress. Inexperienced persons who are close to political leaders are promoted according to political criteria,” said the former minister.

Alexandru Muravschi believes that substitute candidates should always exist for the main public posts. “They do so in the developed countries. There, they do not wait for months for another candidate to be found if a functionary leaves a key post. In our country, it seems to be a shortage of specialists. A candidate for the post of governor of the National Bank hasn’t been identified yet, but Dragutanu resigned three months ago,” he stated.

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