Ex-governor Dorin Dragutanu questioned in case of Vlad Filat

The former governor of the National Bank of Moldova Dorin Dragutanu was questioned as a witness in the case of ex-Premier Vlad Filat. According to lawyer Igor Popa, the questioning of the ex-governor was aimed at showing that Vlad Filat had no influence on what happened in the financial-banking system. State prosecutor Adriana Betisor said she saw no connection between the statements made by Dorin Dragutanu and the probed offenses, IPN reports.

After the hearing, Dorin Dragutanu refused to tell the press what he was asked about. He noted that he didn’t discuss with the lawyers before the hearing and received the summons one day before it. “I answered sincerely and responsibility to the questions put by the defense. I don’t know why they invited me. It is part of the defense’ tactic,” he stated.

Adriana Betisor stated there was no connection between Dorin Dragutanu’s statements and the examined case because this didn’t take part in many hearings centering on the connection between Banca de Economii and this case, which means that someone else was responsible.

Igor Popa said the ex-governor was questioned for the purpose of showing that their client didn’t influence the developments in the financial-banking system. He filed an application whereby he asks the whole panel of judges to be replaced because he does not see impartiality in the hearings. “Since the beginning of the examination, the judges have showed lack of will in discovering the truth in this case. I refer to the fact that the active role of the court in examining evidence is completely missing. We do not trust these judges. But our request to replace these was rejected,” stated the lawyer.

He also said that Vlad Filat wants to make statements, but before impartial judges and when he sees that his rights are respected, including to have public hearings.

Vlad Filat was deprived of parliamentary immunity and arrested on October 15, 2015. He faces 7 to 15 years in jail for influence paddling and passive corruption. He pleads not guilty.

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