Ex-forester of Calarasi says she is subject to pressure and seeks help

A former employee of the Calarasi Forestry Company Svetlana Cataraga seeks help from the law enforcement agencies and society because she is subject to pressure by the new director of the company. The woman says she was illegally sacked and now they want to also dispossess her of house.

In a news conference at IPN, Svetlana Cataraga said her father, who had worked as a forester during 43 years in forest range No. 3 of Temeleuti village of Calarasi district, built a home at his own expense in the wood, where the whole family later moved. The woman followed in her father’s footsteps and served as a forester during 2001-2007. After a pause of nine years, she returned to the post in the same forest range. But the new director of the Calarasi Forestry Company Stefan Deleanu started to press her and dismissed her, arguing she was absent from work without the superiors’ consent, but this is not true.

Svetlana Cataraga said her domestic animals were poisoned and shootings are more often heard near her house. If the court of law accepts Stefan Deleanu’s claim, she risks remaining without home.

Fiodor Ghelici, head of the public control commission of the Civil Security Council working under the President of the Republic of Moldova, said he became involved in this case at the request of Svetlana Cataraga. He went to Stefan Deleanu’s office to find out details, but the functionary had an inappropriate behavior and even pushed him. Fiodor Ghelici noted he possesses sufficient information about the committed irregularities and will submit this to the competent bodies.

  • svetlana cataraga despre stefan deleanu.mp3
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