European diplomats about possibilities of developing businesses in Moldova

European diplomats consider there are opportunities for developing businesses in Moldova, but corruption is a serious problem in this respect. The issue was discussed in the program “Politics” produced by TV 7 channel, IPN reports.

The Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Pirkka Tapiola said that if he was from the business community, he would accept to come and start a business in Chisinau, after the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU, which offers great possibilities for developing businesses. On the other hand, the Moldovan authorities should deal with the high level of corruption, which would not be tolerated in the business relations with the EU. “If a producer exporting to the EU obtains phytosanitary certificates by offering bribe, the value of these certificates will be nil as they will anyway determine that the goods are not of the quality indicated in the given document, while your country will have problems,” stated the diplomat.

Polish Ambassador to Moldova Artur Mihalski said there are all the preconditions for developing businesses in Moldova and Poland will encourage this thing. He called on the apple producers of Moldova to learn from Poland’s experience in this field and not to grow apples only, but to also implement new packing, keeping and transportation technologies. “The Moldovan farmers should invest more in cold storage facilities for keeping the products. We also went through such periods, but a lot was invested in quality. We want loyal competition with the Moldovan apple producers and Poland will provide all the necessary assistance in this respect,” he stated.

Ambassador of Sweden in Chisinau Ingrid Terman said there are a series of Swedish companies that run businesses in Moldova and do not face problems. Sweden will continue to offer grants for developing small businesses in Moldova, especially in the agrarian sector.

In the same program, Petru Stratan, a farmer from Orhei, said that besides the problem of shortage of money, the Moldovan farmers also face the problem of lack of knowledge. On the other hand, the business and corruption in Moldova go hand in hand.

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