The European Action Movement (MAE) suspects President Vladimir Voronin of being an exponent of the Russian interests in the world and of not willing Moldova to get closer to the European Union. At a conference in the quarters of Info-Prim Neo News Agency, the MAE leaders have stated they will start a referendum to ask the Moldovans whether they want to join the EU.
“Before the NATO Summit in Bucharest, Russia posed a condition to Vladimir Voronin, according to which, the Transnistrian settlement is possible, only if Moldova's permanent neutrality is recognized by the U.S.A., EU, Russia, Ukraine, OSCE,” MAE's first deputy president Ion Neagu said. “Then, at an international conference in Munich, Voronin started to promote this conditions as a Moldovan initiative. In this case Voronin actually turned into a promoter of the Russian interests on the international arena,” Neagu concluded.
MAE issues a statement in response to the initiative of the EU Foreign Ministers to deepen the ties with Moldova, worded on October 13 in Luxemburg. The Party criticizes the present Communist rulers for lacking desire in promoting the country's getting closer to the EU. “We find that the EU's decision comes in the wake of the dissatisfaction of the European forums with the rhythm and quality of reform in Moldova, big arrears in strengthening the state of law and in implementing its commitments in terms of human rights,” reads the statement. The MAE leaders also accuse the ruling Communists of “Romanian-hating hysteria, harsh pressures on the democratic and pro-European opposition in the wake of the 2009 parliamentary elections.”
MAE plans to hold a consulting referendum four months after the 2009 race to learn how much the citizens want to adhere to the EU. “We realize that Moldova's integration into the EU can be achieved only through a joint effort of the political class, the civil society and the whole population,” the document reads.
The MAE leaders call “on nationally-, democratically- and pro-European-oriented parties to join their efforts to oust the Communists from power, after the 2009.”