Eugen Baleca remains Franzeluta director for now

Eugen Baleca is still to be considered the director of the bread manufacturing company Franzeluta, despite his announcement today that he was complying with the Franzeluta Board's decision to dismiss him. This is because the district court decision suspending his dismissal is still in force. Franzeluta Board president Stefan Chitoroaga told Info-Prim Neo that Eugen Baleca hasn't tendered his resignation, but only presented a statement to the Board in which he declared he was complying with the Board's decision. In this situation, the court has the final say. The Board's meeting, which was convened today at 3:00pm and which was supposed to announce Baleca's post vacant, didn't take place due to a lack of quorum, with only 3 out of 7 members showing up.

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