EU expects justice reformation strategy will be passed by mid-November

The European Union expects that the strategy for reforming the justice sector will be adopted by the middle of November. If it is not passed by that time with the head of state not being elected and with new early parliamentary elections on the way, financing in the given area may be stopped, the Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Dirk Schuebels aid in a meeting of the Chisinau Press Club, Info-Prim Neo reports. “We have long awaited that the Moldovan colleagues work out and approve the strategy for reforming the justice sector,” said Dirk Schuebel. He reiterated that the EU will provide €50 million to Moldova in budgetary support for implementing this important reform. He said that he personally and other ambassadors were invited to a number of meetings of the commission for reforming the legal system, which is headed by Speaker and Acting President Marian Lupu. “Mister Lupu himself assumed responsibility for coordinating this process. I must say that the discussions were interesting. But after the recent debates in Parliament, I got the impression that no consensus was reached. It is yet only several weeks left until the middle of November,” said Schuebel. According to the European official, not the EU Delegation will assess the way the reform strategy is implemented. European experts will come to Moldova on appraisal missions and the assessment criteria will be the same as those used in countries that joined or want to join the EU. “There will be applied the same ‘more for more’ principle about which I repeatedly spoke. Those areas of justice that implement the reforms defined in the strategy better and achieve better results will benefit from a larger volume of financing. We have a conclusive example. The European Commission provides budgetary support for implementing a water supply program in a number of settlements. As some of the steps agreed with the Moldovan authorities weren’t taken on time, the first tranche of the planned financing wasn’t transferred to the budget. The situation was then remedied and the second tranche will be disbursed,” he said. Referring again to the justice reform strategy, Dirk Schuebel stated it should be passed by the middle of November. “I’m afraid that if it is not adopted in time and the head of state is not elected and there will be called early legislative elections, we will have to suspend financing. The discussions will have to be resumed after the elections and the process will last longer then,” said the Ambassador.

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