Equipment of US$79,000 for secondary school - kindergarten of Ecaterinovca
The secondary school - kindergarten situated in Ecaterinovca village of Cimislia district will be outfitted with equipment to the value of US$79,000. It will be purchased with the financial assistance of the Government of Japan within a project to improve the sanitary and educational environment at primary education institutions in Ecaterinovca, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The project forms part of the Kusanone grants program. The equipment is to be bought in about two months. It includes ten last generation computers, film projector, three types of fridges, microwave ovens, thermal stoves, gas stoves, baths, sports and medical equipment and others.
In the grant contract signing ceremony, Deputy Minister of Education Loretta Handrabura said that the Ministry highly appreciates the financial support provided by the Government of Japan to the secondary school of Ecaterinovca. This and the other three previous projects of the same program that were implemented in different settlements offer equal chances in the quality education process in Moldova.
Mayor of Ecaterinovca Efim Strogoteanu said the administration merged the local institutions so that the kindergarten and the secondary school are based in one building. This way, the project will benefit both the students of the boarding school and the children of the kindergarten.
The Kusanone grants program was initiated in January 2006. Throughout 2011, the Government of Japan provided financial assistance of US$351,000 for human security projects.