The European Parliament Thursday adopted a resolution on the situation in Moldova after the April 5 elections with 467 votes in favor, 27 against and 18 abstentions, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The joint resolution put forward by MEPs from a number of groups was passed without amendments. The amendment proposed by MEP Marian-Jean Marinescu was rejected. He asked that the name of Sergiu Mocanu be introduced alongside the names of Gabriel Stati and Anatol Matasaru, who were arrested according to political criteria, as it was said in the draft resolution.
MEPs strongly condemn the massive campaign of harassment, grave violations of human rights and all other illegal actions carried out by the Moldovan Government in the aftermath of the parliamentary elections and urge the authorities to immediately cease all illegal arrests and rule the country in accordance with the assumed international obligations and commitments concerning democracy, the state of law and human rights.
Parliament urges the Council to consider sending a Rule of Law Mission to the Republic of Moldova, in order to assist the law enforcement authorities in their reform process, especially in the police and justice areas. MEPs call for a special investigation to be conducted into the cases of those who died during the events following the elections as well as into all allegations of rape and ill-treatment during detention and politically-motivated arrests, such as those of Anatol Matasaru and Gabriel Stati.
The resolution condemns the campaign of harassment launched against journalists, civil society representatives and opposition parties, involving in particular arrests and expulsions of journalists, interruption of access to websites and TV stations, broadcasting of propaganda on public channels and denial to opposition representatives of access to the public media.
Parliament deplores the decision to expel the Romanian Ambassador and to introduce a visa obligation for citizens of that European Union Member State. MEPs call on the authorities to restore the visa-free regime for Romanian citizens. The Council and the Commission should review the EU's visa system and relax the conditions for granting visas to Moldovan citizens, especially the financial conditions, the resolution says.
MEPs request immediate and substantial proof in support of any allegation by the Moldovan Government concerning the supposedly criminal actions of the protesters and the involvement of foreign governments. Though it condemns the acts of violence and vandalism, the EP describes the assertions that the protests were criminal acts and an “anti-constitutional plot” as unacceptable and considers that the protests were determined mainly by the doubts about the correctness of the elections, the distrust in the public institutions and the dissatisfaction with the social and economic situation in Moldova.
The EP considers that a constructive dialogue with the Opposition parties, the civil society and representatives of international organizations is the only way out of the crisis in Moldova and stresses that any new elections require a consensus between the Opposition and the Government about definite improvements in the electoral process.
The EP calls on the Commission to submit to it a detailed report on the use of all European funds in the Republic of Moldova, with special focus on the funds allocated to good governance and democratic development.
Parliament reaffirms its commitment to continuing a "meaningful and goal-oriented dialogue" with the Republic of Moldova, but attaches great importance to the introduction of strong provisions regarding the rule of law and respect for human rights.
The resolution will be submitted to the Council, the Commission, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the Government and the Parliament of Moldova.