Entrepreneur sues PPPDA vice president

Businessman Nicolae Pascal will sue Aliona Mandati, vice president of the Dignity and Truth Platform Party. According to him, Mandati was a member of an association of entrepreneurs and indebted the association with over 3 million lei in 2014-2015.

He told a press conference at IPN that in 2012 he joined forces with other big manufacturers to create an association that would buy phyto-sanitary products and raw materials for orchards at advantageous prices. Aliona Mandati also joined the association.

For two years, things went smooth, but in 2014-2015, the association started to accumulate debts and wasn’t able to finalize many contracts.

“At a certain point, the debt reached several million lei and creditors started to warn us about penalties or even threatening to terminate our collaboration, which hurt us. After a financial analysis, it became clear that most of the debt, about 3 million lei, was amassed by Aliona Mandati”, explained the entrepreneur.

According to him, after a discussion, Mandati agreed to sell her shares in order to repay the debt. “I was personally involved in this sale, I negotiated with the buyer. The transaction was 12 million lei, of which 7 million lei were given at my urgent request. I hoped that she would pay her debt towards me so that I would be able to fulfill my commitments to the other members of the association. I didn’t get a penny”, complained Pascal.

He decided to go to court only after failing to solve the problem amicably, as the debt is yet to be returned. In court, he will only demand the repayment of debts.

The businessman added that he doesn’t want to be accused of political attacks, because he is not involved in politics.

  • nicolae pascal despre datoriile acumulate de aliona mandati.mp3
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