Embassy of Hungary screened documentary about Bishop Áron Márton in Chisinau

The Embassy of Hungary presented in Chisinau the documentary “Process of beatifying His Holiness Áron Márton” on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the appointment of Áron Márton as bishop. The Roman-Catholic bishop from Alba Iulia, Transylvania, was the personality who supported the cause of Jews and who identified himself with the idea of defending the freedom and his people, IPN reports.

Hungarian Ambassador in Chisinau Mátyás Szilágyi said that the bishop was a charismatic person who represents a brilliant example of humanism and devotion to the cause of Christianity, protection of people from dictatorship and terror. He defended the Hungarian community from repression. In the tumultuous epochs of war, fascism and then the Communist dictatorship, he protected the Catholic church, religion, the faithful, the Jewish co-nationals.

“The bishop fought even when he was in jail and under house arrest. He struggled to defend the national and cultural identity of the Hungarian community in Romania and to keep the Hungarian language schools. He also protected the property of the Catholic Church,” said the ambassador.

He added that Europe is now a community of nations, religions and religious communities. “We must build a Europe where freedom, dignity and people’s prosperity reign; a Christian Europe with highly human values, without violent conflicts and wars. We can have such a Europe if we commemorate the remarkable personalities who, by their example and sacrifice, serve now as a model for the young generations, as a model of humanity,” stated Mátyás Szilágyi.

The Romano-Catholic Bishop of Chisinau Anton Cosa said that Áron Márton was a real Christian who became an example for his followers and for us all.

The film was screened at the Gaudeamus Cultural Center. An exhibition centering on the life and works of Bishop Áron Márton was mounted in the Center’s hall.

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